18 august 2012


Ja takk :)) 

kom plutselig på en Londonvits:
Det var 2 menner som møtte hverandre på gata.
1: "Har ikke jeg møtt deg i London før?"
2: "I Looooondon? Aldri vært i London jeg!"
1: "Å nei - det må ha vært 2 andre det da..."

hihi tørr men like morsom hver gang :) 


2 kommentarer:

  1. Heia, heia, you really seem to enjoy your summer vacation, I mean: your summer vacations with your family.
    Any country you haven't within the last six weeks??? :-)

    What about Japan? No??? Guess who's travelling there... :-))

    Have a great time back home and do not suffer because of work... The next holiday is right in front of you!


    1. Hi there :)
      Always nice with a comment from you!
      Yes - there has been a lot of traveling this summer like never before ...
      But now, life caught up with us and I do as you say, looking forward to the next holiday :))

      Best and relaxing weekend to you and yours!
